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Raising Prices on Martell Knives

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, May 20, 2017.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    In the near future, I’m going to be increasing the prices on my knives significantly, 30-40%. Unfortunately this is something that must be done for me to stay in business, I’ll explain why….

    1. Communication

    This is a killer for me sometimes. Being a one man show I find it difficult to keep up with all communications. I do an OK job most of the time but I’m fairly certain that I have some customers who would have me do better.

    Currently I have very little time to answer status update questions and these, of course, are what I get the most of.

    I have no time for WIP requests, picture requests, nor do I have an easy way to even shoot a picture for upload.

    How to handle this situation is debatable yet what’s not is the time required to address the customer’s need to know. There is a requirement that must be met. With today's communication culture it will likely be ever more demanding.

    2. Cushion

    There is a need in business to be able to make a mistake and not have it ruin, or nearly ruin, your company.

    I need to build a cushion that allows for me to make the odd mistake, take the odd loss, or to simply try something new. To never be able to make a mistake or experiment on new ways of doing things is death. This is the level I’ve been working at for far too long.

    3. Quality in Workmanship

    As I gain more experience I offer my customers higher quality through a better product.

    I’ve gained a lot of experience and I’m now a better craftsman that provides a higher level of craftsmanship as a result but this higher level requires a high cost in greater amounts of time and consumables used.

    Sometimes more experience can make for a reduction in costs and sometimes it can make for an increase in costs. I always look to find the balance where I can offer better quality without an increase in cost yet there is always a tipping point where I can’t do more for less.

    4. Materials

    I’ve always used the best materials I could afford. I will not compromise in my desire to provide the best quality I can to my customers.

    The cost of many of the materials, and consumables, used in making knives have increased many times over in recent years and we can expect more of this in the future.

    5. Growth

    I’m at a stagnant growth point. I feel that I’m pushing the max out of what I can do with what I have to work with.

    I will need to expand on my equipment so that I too can expand and begin to provide the knives that I know I’m capable of making.

    I have a need to grow as a knifemaker. This doesn’t mean that I want a bigger shop, more tools, employees, etc – it means that I want to make better knives and to continue to improve my skills so that I can ultimately make better knives.

    In summary;

    I hope that my past customers can attest to the quality of product I’ve provided over the years as well as to the changes I’ve made over time, towards offering even better products.

    To continue to provide the level of craftsmanship, quality of materials used, to be able to grow & expand, and to experiment with new ideas/concepts I require an increase in pricing of my products.

    To soften the blow I will leave my list open for a few weeks to allow for you to get your name on it at today’s pricing. Once this passes the new prices will go into effect for any one not on the list.

    Thanks to everyone who has purchased a knife in the past and will in the future.

  2. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    OK folks, the new prices are going in effect from this point on. I will post them shortly.

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