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For Sale - Martell 270mm Wa Gyuto

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member


    Length - 270mm

    Height (at heel) - 60mm (ish)

    Steel - CPM-154 (Crucible Particle Metallurgy aka stainless powdered steel)

    Hardness - Rc61-62

    Handle Style - Wa (octagonal)

    Handle Materials - Strawberry Orange Flamed with Sparkly Black Pearl Poly Acrylic

    I bought a bunch of this poly acrylic handle material over 2 yrs ago to try but never bothered for one reason or another. I figured it was best suited for a wa handle so I gave it a go and I have to say that I'm pleased with the results.

    This materiel is a lot cheaper to buy than wood and is easier to finish in that it requires nothing beyond a buff job. Because of this I can offer this knife at a discount from my normal pricing. [​IMG]

    With it's poly handle and powdered stainless steel blade this knife is the low to no maintenance manual food processor that you've been waiting for. [​IMG]

    Price - $725 (shipping included within USA / International will pay all costs over $25)

    If you're interested in purchasing this knife please contact via PM or email along with your Paypal email address (for the invoice). If international, please specify country.

    Thanks for looking!


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  2. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    I realize that this is a niche market type knife so if you're on the fence about the cost then shoot me an offer and we'll see if we can make a deal. :)
  3. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  4. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  5. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    THAT'S what it looks like! Robin and I were trying to figure it out and couldn't out our finger on it. I'm off to tell her. :D
  6. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  7. Thank god for that. Super sexy work dave.
  8. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Thanks Alex

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