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another rabbit hole I'm starting down...

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by MotoMike, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    been working on some bottle openers. did not have a drift big enough to open them up. didn't like the cost of them and they are not available locally, so picked up some scrap from a local yard. Her is the drift project. It was more work than I thought it would be. I'm knackered.

    forge30.jpg forge31.jpg forge32.jpg forge33.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
  2. Now you're getting some heat in there. ;) Nice even forming as well, good job.

    You need a bigger hammer for that kind of stock though haha. I have an 8 pound with about a 2 foot handle I used to drive bullpins with when I was an ironworker. I use that on occasion for moving something quickly.
  3. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Now we need to see the bottle openers Mike!

    Nice clean job on the drift.
  4. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Now, if I could have just got my hands on a bull pin, all this hammer time would have been significantly reduced! I used my largest hand hammer for most of the work on the drift. Its seen in post 14, the biggest sitting on the stump. I think it's a 4 or 6 pounder. I used the hammer pictured with the drift to sort of tune it up while I was checking for straightness and taking out some of the bigger odd dings. So far, the one pictured with the hot drift is my favorite hammer.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
  5. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Thanks, Jim.

    Oh, man , I have so much to learn, it's not funny. :Dave In the scheme of things, I'm taking baby steps. My first attempt at bottle openers was not successful. I did not have a drift big enough to open them. so I got them as big as I could and tried to continue working them on the bick. The result was a hopelessly mangled piece that I'll never show anyone. (even though it would open a bottle) I've learned that what comes to you naturally goes out the window when the work is forging hot. Owed mainly to the fact that you can't just grab it. that and I only have two hands. I now have 3 sets of tongs and none are quite right for holding the bottle opener while I am trying to shape it. I think I need to make a fixture to hold it while I drift and put in the tooth. If I get the hang of it and hooks, I could probably at least pay for my propane.
  6. Ah yes, I forgot about the 4 pounder you have. I have one just like it I use as well. I do like your rounding hammer though. One of those is on my list of wants.
    My main go-to at this point is a 2.2(ish) pound cross-pein. One of those Picard Sweedish style hammers.

    When I was getting started a few months ago, I kept wondering why I always saw shops with 500 pairs of tongs. I kept thinking, "they are tongs, how different can they be?". Well, I now understand why there are so many different ones. I have 7 pair at the moment, and probably at least 6 more on the list to make. If I could figure it out, I think I'd make a few extra pairs of hands too haha.

    It's a little after the fact, but still could be useful, but if you want a bullpin, we could make that happen. I've got some lying around. Might need a wire brushing, but I could send you one.
  7. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    The rounding hammer started life as a Vaughn Lineman's hammer. it was two flat faces. a 36 ouncer. I used a 8o grit flap wheel to round one side working lightly to avoid heating it. a poor man's rounder. Vaughn is a good brand and I think in the $30 range, so not a bespoke rounder, but I like it quite a bit.

    as to the bull pin... I'll pm you:)
  8. That's exactly the way I was thinking of getting one. Either that or one of those diamond or whatever off brand that are about the same price. Got used to the picard though, so I haven't been in a rush.

    I did a quick look and found this one. The others are buried somewhere. If you want it, pm me your address.

  9. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Man, that bull pin is finer than frog hair. I'm on it!
  10. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  11. I'm in! :p
  12. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    OK, Jim you asked for it. the first ones I made, I drilled them out instead of punching them. I made 3 and in the end I made one functional one and two failures. I only completed the one just to improve my skill as I know it is very crude. seen here on the left. The drilling out instead of punching I think left too little material on the sides.

    So I made a punch out of a farm sale chisel and punched the blanks out. punch at the bottom.


    My big drift did work the treat getting them big enough to go on the bick.

    At that point they look just about like they should. But that's when it went all caveman. results forge37.jpg

    seen here are the two I finished with my drift. I know they are rough, but they will be stocking stuffers for my sons in law. If I had more time, they'd be better. On my behalf, I have tested them both and they work like a champ. Oh, they are next to my second leaf hook.
  13. Those are actually looking really good Mike!
  14. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Thanks Shawn, you are too kind.
  15. Actually, your leaf is looking really good. Your hook turn is nice and clean and even. Maybe try to keep the flat for the screws a little more consistent on the next one, but overall very good.
    The left bottle opener has a nice shape to it. A little off on the right side, but good shape overall, and the ring is nice and consistent.
    The right bottle opener, the ring isn't as consistent, but the opening looks very even.

    For only being at this for a few weeks really, you are coming along very nicely. You've earned your praise. ;)

    Something to maybe try on your next leaf just for hammering practice. (I'm going to try it for the first time myself on my next one actually.) Instead of chiseling your center stem. Rough out your shape on your anvil as normal. Then when refining the edges of your leaf hold the part you are not working off the anvil, face side down, just off center.
    The end objective is to use the edge of the anvil to make a little bit of a raised lip for your center stem as you are finishing out the leaf. Then chisel your veins like normal.
    (If my description didn't make sense, I can try and find a video for you.)
  16. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  17. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Thanks Jim. Shawn I will give that a try. I've been using 3/8 square for the leaves. I haven't had to much upsetting them to get a bigger end piece, so might try some out of half inch
  18. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    I happened to have a couple rail spikes that I though't I'd try to turn into twisted crosses for my daughters. stocking stuffers. I broke one owed to my being a gorilla. so made one and a leaf hook for the other daughter. I know if I'd started this hobby a month earlier, they'd look better, but Christmas is only 3 days off, so I do what I can. I did try to make the hook a little more refined.
  19. Pictures man.... Where are the pictures? :p
  20. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    they are right there Shawn, what you talkin bout? burnished them at the end with a brass brush for a bit of transfer. I notice in the image that the arms and leg all seem the same length but the proportions are more appropriate for a cross in person.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017

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