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    Welcome to the KKF!
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i know i have not been posting much

Discussion in 'Harner Knives' started by butch, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. butch

    butch Founding Member

    been knee deeep in the HOM buterfly knife midtec project. i have like 40 kitchen knives HTed and ready for grinding but i have to fill HOM orders first. the flip side is the work is steady so life in some ways is more stable but still ballancing a few things. im going to get the first 25 HOMs finished and then CKTG has an order of parers in line as i feel my way through the midtec harner folder got to get the proto done so i can have a friend put it in the computer then i can start asking pricing on parts and can get a price point to all of you
  2. WildBoar

    WildBoar Founding Member Contributor

    Glad to hear your dance card is full, and there is a line at the door :cool:
  3. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    Guess that's what you get for cranking out such great knives!
  4. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Glad things are going well for you!

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