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Completed Knives

Discussion in 'Se Ecglast' started by Taylor, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    KW_Chef_1.jpg KW_Chef_2.jpg One of the first Chef's knives I made for a friend. AEB-L hardened to ~62 hrc with amboyna handle and copper accents.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2018
  2. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Here's my actual first chef's knife that performed well lol

    Attached Files:

  3. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Custom made for another friend.

    Attached Files:

  4. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    A Christmas gift for a friend commissioned by her husband.

    Attached Files:

  5. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Another Christmas gift commissioned from last year.

    Attached Files:

  6. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    A trio of Takohiki inspired slicers I made just for fun. Blades are about 12" long.

    Attached Files:

  7. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    First western handled chef's knife.

    Attached Files:

  8. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Wedding gift for a friend.

    Attached Files:

  9. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Amazing looking work, Taylor. I'm particularly drawn to the top 2 gyuto's. Really dig the overall looks of those 2.

    Let me know if you're taking orders!
  10. Sweet looking work! I really like the way you left the heat treating colors on a couple of the knives.
  11. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Thanks! I'm finishing up a few, and have got one more on my plate (finally making myself a custom knife), and then I'll be able to start taking orders.

    I appreciate it! Leaving the colors on after heat treat can be tricky, since any scratches show up. I think it has a more organic feel if I can get it right though, but I guess it depends on one's taste.
  12. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  13. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Dig that western handle in the video. Handsome looking work
  14. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Takobikis available?
  15. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Yes they are, if you're interested, shoot me a PM with which one interests you, and I can send payment info.
  16. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Taylor, that sucker is beautiful the profile is perfect. the temper colors on the spine. can you tell an aspiring maker how you did that? Is that blade forged? She's a beauty
  17. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Hey Mike, I appreciate the kind words. The blade was made through stock removal after cutting out the profile with a plasma cutter and grinding it to final shape. With stainless steels, you have to limit the oxygen to the steel, since the temperatures required to heat treat the blade can burn the carbon, so it was wrapped in heavy duty foil with a piece of cardboard to burn off any extra oxygen in the pouch. The colors came by dumb luck, and I kept them as best as I could because (like you) I thought they were beautiful. Sometimes things just work out, and I'd like to think it's the love and thought behind the task that touches the piece in that certain way.
  18. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    thanks Taylor.
  19. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  20. Taylor

    Taylor Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    20181227_1a.jpg 20181227_1b.jpg 20181227_1c.jpg 20181227_1d.jpg
    217mm Chef's knife from heel to tip. Weight is 201g, and the height at the heel is 53mm. Sporting a Poplar Burl handle.

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