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Random knives porn

Discussion in 'Knife & Gear Galleries' started by Anton, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. I've been staying at home with a cold for a few days. Can't work on handles so decided to take few pictures of the knives I have. Feel blessed to have such a collection of sharp tools

    Dan Prendergast

    Robin Dalman

    Andrey Zakharov

    Toshihiro Wakui


    Bryan Raquin

    Dan Prendergast

    Cris Anderson


    Mert Tansu

    first knife I've made myself

    Jannis Scholz
  2. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  3. I can't even tell which one is the best cutter :-\
    One thing I can tell for sure: smaller ones are the most used :)
  4. marc4pt0

    marc4pt0 Founding Member

    Cris, Mert, Janis, Andrey. All fantastic makers and gentlemen to work with. I'd buy from therm again and again.
    I have yet to use a knife from Dan though, but certainly plan to.
    Do you know who made the Muteki?
  5. Dunno who made it originally. It was thinned and refinished by @XooMG and then rehandled by me. Probably the thinnest knife in my collection.
  6. nice collection Anton, some fine handles there too ;)
  7. This thread is old as dirt, I know. But I cannot get this knife out of my brain. I covet this in a 'breaking the 10 commandments' kind of way. I'm very, very sad I got into this game too late to hop on the Mario train.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2019
  8. A bit potato quality but here goes


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2019
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  10. Thanks! Man the TF can cut. I need to remind myself to love my other knives. I love them all equally. Some more equally than others.

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