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jsut off the bench

Discussion in 'Harner Knives' started by butch, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  2. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    Beautifuls as always Butch!
  3. butch

    butch Founding Member

    filled the rare these days chef knife order good ol XHP and ironwood 195182419_3009553629316300_653916181441489014_n.jpg 195631142_3009553632649633_6011830570517432616_n.jpg 195654853_3009553635982966_9036542616963713350_n.jpg
  4. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  5. butch

    butch Founding Member

    sister needed a line knife for her RV adn new nomadic lifestyle. this demanded a saya to keep it safe bumping around down the road. asked her if she wanted it to be colorful she said yes
  6. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  8. butch

    butch Founding Member

    used anilin dye and showed her some maple guitars done like this thats how i got the green light. i need to find more nice but not crazy curly maple in case i need to make any more
  9. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  10. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    That's really nice!
  11. butch

    butch Founding Member

    3rd blade stayed straight for the order been needing to get it done year and a half
    brisket slayer XHP copper fittings DSC07553sm.jpg
  12. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  13. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  14. butch

    butch Founding Member

    for me if i can get to the grillthenn i using it
  15. butch

    butch Founding Member

    just checked the length 365mm blade
  16. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Sweet..that will get some super clean slices off those big packers.
    Congratulations Butch.
  17. butch

    butch Founding Member

    yep the only blade i have made longer then that was the tuna sword
  18. butch

    butch Founding Member

    mental health project (been doing a bunch of a production run that i cant disclose yet) fancy razor
  19. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  20. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

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