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  3. Take a look at our new AUCTION SYSTEM

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    Welcome to the KKF!
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Western Rehandle (Sale) Coupons Available!!

Discussion in 'JapaneseKnifeSharpening / Dave Martell Knives' started by Dave Martell, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member


    In an effort to raise some funds for a couple of special projects I'm working on I'm offering a sale on my western rehandling service.

    The sale provides $50 OFF of the labor PLUS allows you not to have to wait on the list.

    There are stipulations on the use of this coupon - please read the product description carefully before purchasing.

    Western Rehandle (Sale) Coupons - CLICK HERE

  2. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    International customers can purchase coupons as well but will have to do so manually through a Paypal invoice. Please contact me in a PM or through email if you are outside of the USA and I'll follow by sending you an invoice.

  3. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    PS - This sale will only run until the financial goals are met. I really don't want to sell a ton of these if I don't have to. :)

    Thanks again!

  4. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

  5. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    I'll grab one Dave, can you please email me a PayPal invoice?
  6. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Will do Huw - thanks!!!!
  7. cclin

    cclin Founding Member

    Dave, can I use this coupon for western hidden tang handle?
  8. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

    Sure, well it depends on the knife (can't be a Shun or something like that) but if it's just a typical grind down to a hidden tang (bolster remains also) then no problem-o. :)
  9. Dave Martell

    Dave Martell Professional Craftsman Founding Member

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