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Any perfect chukabocho?

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by XooMG, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. XooMG

    XooMG Founding Member

    Obviously the title is ridiculous, but the underlying question is hopefully not too bad.

    For the rare members of the fora who use Chukabocho or Chinese kitchen "cleavers" frequently, have any knives really approached your personal ideal? Any knives that you just enjoy picking up and using because they feel "right" and make you want to cut stuff? What qualities distinguished them from other products you've tried? If you could improve on your favorites, how would you do so?

    I know there are some real beauties posted around here, but I'm speaking from a usability standpoint, so if you haven't seen or held a knife in person, please don't include it.

  2. schanop

    schanop Founding Member


    This pkjames' kitaeji chuka, look, shape, weight, and grind are extremely nice. I am happy with how the handle feel though, but it is nothing fancy there.


    For my Heiji SS, shape, weight, and grind are pretty nice as well, but I probably will do something with that smaller handle one day.
  3. Cck 1103. Nuff said, doesn't hold an edge but with sufficient maintenance is a prep monster. I didn't like the weight of the tojiro pro and the chef that trained me used a dexter but it was to small and thick for my tastes.
  4. Sugimoto #7 from my point of view its the perfect grind, balance, and the handle is oh so comfy. Only weakness is that it rusts pretty easily.
  5. [​IMG]

    OUTCH !
  6. chinacats

    chinacats Founding Member

    I too have a CCK 1103 and while it may not be perfect, it certainly keeps a place in a rotation of much more expensive gyutos.
    At some point I do think I'd like to try one with a wider bevel, perhaps san-mai. I've been looking at the Suien as one that may complement my CCK.

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