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Mothers Day

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by nhaitz, May 11, 2014.

  1. In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would throw out some mom thoughts. My mother has been dead for a number of years and I have no children. So, not a big deal day for me. But, it always brings mom to mind.

    Some people go on and on about how mom influenced their love of food and cooking. Other swear their mother couldn't boil water. My mother was a good cook. Nothing fancy. Mostly basic working class German and English dishes. My father was not adventuresome when it came to eating. Spaghetti and meatballs was exotic food when we were kids.

    She made really good bread and dinner rolls.


    Two of my favorite cooking things originally belonged to my mother. A rolling pin that my father whittled for her when they were dating. The other is her bay tree. She bought it back in the 1960's. It was about 5 inches high, had maybe 5 leaves on it. She was a fantastic gardener and it lived in her herb garden. After she died, I dug it up and took it home with me. Living in central Ohio, it can not stay outdoors during the colder months. It now resides in a huge pot. It takes two people to move it outside during the summer months.

  2. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Thank you for sharing Nancy. It's a day for remembrance as well. My mother did most of the cooking growing up and still does. My father is a great cook as well.
  3. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    Thanks for sharing Nancy.

    My mother was an adequate cook but dad is the culinarian. Mom could bake cookies and I have lots of memories sitting on the counter and helping her measure ingredients into the bowl (Then being lucky enough to get a beater!)
  4. That's a beautiful story Nancy, thank you for sharing. I'm a bit envious, growing up my moms version of a gourmet meal was Prego and Spam over buttered spaghetti noodles lol. I love my mom to bits but a culinary maestro she is not lol.

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