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Not sure who is crazier

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by PierreRodrigue, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. PierreRodrigue

    PierreRodrigue Tactical Walrus Founding Member

  2. Intrigued

    Intrigued Founding Member


  3. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    If this is a contest amongst forum members I vote for Lucretia.
    She makes me seem normal-ish.........sort of.
  4. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Lucretia seems normal enough to me... ecen with the whips
  5. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    You must not have seen her in her "Wonder Woman" outfit. Or the things she does with her toes....
  6. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I thought of all the ways I could respond to this. I even made a video writing a nasty response holding a pen in my toes. But I will stick to that most devastating of Southern comments.

    Bless your heart(s).

  7. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    Around here calling someone crazy, unusual or kind of weird is usually a compliment.
    I guess I spent too many years having to conform to what is normal-ish.
    Moved to Southern Oregon and kind of went in the opposite direction.
    Works for me.

    Lucretia's slightly off sense of humor is why I like her.
    BTW; who needs thumbs when you have monkey toes.
  8. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    And it was taken as such! And gave me a laugh, which a sorely needed today. I might still find time to post the toe-writing session, tho!
  9. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    1.. 2... 3...4...

    i declare a toe war?

  10. That's disturbing
  11. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    To go slightly off topic, here is a video clip of James.
  12. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    what that doesnt show was... well it was really supposed to just fill multiple pens with ink at once... the whole blowing up a mountain thing was a bit of an oops, never would have thought i could make that mistake more then once lol

  13. That was filmed here on base. So was transformers and superman 2 ;)
  14. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Really, Mr. Stark, you aren't supposed to use that fancy military equipment to peek in people's windows.
  15. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    lots of things your not supposed to do, but life is way more fun when you do it anyway

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