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Posting in BST

Discussion in 'Support' started by apicius9, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    I posted a sale of my personal knives in BST, just wanted to update but it tells me I do not have the privileges to reply to my own post? Am I missing anything?

  2. Rick

    Rick aka Pensacola Tiger Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Stefan, the B/S/T works differently here from other forums. Replies from all members are not allowed to preclude some of the derailments that happen elsewhere. As the originator of the post, you can mark it "Sold", or edit the title.

    I recommend that you list only one item in the thread, rather than multiple items, so sold items can be easily identified.
  3. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Thanks Rick, first time selling here. Will separate them in the future.


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