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Kitchen reno, what toys should I be looking for?

Discussion in 'Food and Drink' started by schanop, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  2. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    I am so gladded that I have this much space for cooktop.

  3. Great reno Chanop. Love the big sink and the stove tops.
  4. Andre

    Andre Founding Member

    The sink setup is awesome. I usually scale fish inside a trash bag, and then rinse the fish, because even in a commercial kitchen I don't have that convenient a situation for scaling. We kind of traded that for a giant ice well for storing fish that are waiting to be cut.
  5. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Yeah, Andre. I am pretty happy with this Abey sink. It comes with some accessories that can be handy depending on situations. There are drainer, drain tray, colander, and cover. Colander and drain tray were optional purchase.

  6. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Do you have all those accessories? That's pretty neat. Makes my double sink with a detachable sprayer look weak
  7. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    That's my set up, Jason. At the moment, only the drainer is constantly out, other live under the cabinet. My faucet is an old one that I have been using for a year or so. It is a three way faucets, hot, cold, and filtered water in one, hence two levers.
  8. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Very nice! Do you have an under sink water filter? or a whole home water filter?

    I've been thinking about an under sink water filter....
  9. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Just a twin undrersink with inline filter as a pre-filter. It is a standard size one, so I have options to use filter from different manufacturers if needed. My previous twin undersink was a Pentek (sold under Culligan brand here) with special size cartridge, and it turned out that purchasing cartridge set from specific supplier two or three times is as expensive as buying a new standard size kit, so I dished that system after three years of usage.

  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    That's all I'm finding is specific brands that have proprietary filters. I haven't really priced any yet. The filter for my fridge is about $45. I would rather have an under sink filter. I don't stand at my fridge filling the coffee pot or a pot for cooking.

    And my faucet is one of those that detaches where the water comes out, so I can't use a screw on faucet filter.
  11. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Just bought this roll mat to go on top of my sink knowing that if I cut it to size, it will be a really really good fit. So I can now apply a fair bit more force when I am doing fish (such as splitting fish head) and some other work that I would like draining to happen straight away. The rectangle tube mat is quite stable, and am thinking of getting another one to fill all the top of my sink.

  12. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    This is very cool....where did you source it? I could see using this for a number of different things in my kitchen.

  13. schanop

    schanop Founding Member

    Bought it of the bay, http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/301325938867?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT. It would also work as a heat mat for stone bench top too. I was scouting the bay option as branded accessories like Franke, Oliveri etc is about 50% more expensive on the bay itself, or about twice more RRP through normal channels.

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