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KKFora Passaround?

Discussion in 'CJA Edged Art / Scorpion Forge' started by CrisAnderson27, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Yessir. I'm a definite supporter of the 'talk softly, but carry a big stick' camp. Some people however, call me an overachiever...so there is that to think about :p.
  2. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    I fully agree with the train of thought, that's why i bought a shotgun when my daughter was born.....
  3. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    I want in 100% Cris. As if it wasn't already obvious!
  4. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    I would love to try a 270mm Gyuto, I live in the UK... Is that what's already planned?
  5. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

    thats a BFH!
  6. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

    Chris I would like to test your knife. The request for feedback on what to make is interesting but I want to use the knife you design. Design by group can be an exercise in compromise in my experience. Home environment and light commercial use here.
  7. Jim, what I'm asking as far as what to make size wise, is kind of to gauge what the majority of users in the passaround are most comfortable with. I wouldn't want to send out something oddball or extra short on the heel, because then people wouldn't be judging the work so much as the style of knife, if you know what I mean. My design comes in more on the edge profile, overall profile, and the geometry etc. Honestly that's how I do my custom orders as well...only with a bit more info in regards to the overall usage of the intended knife etc.

    It's looking like a 250-260x50 is going to get the go.

    So far we have:
    David (WildBoar)
    John Fout
    Brad Gibson

    So here you are gentlemen! One of these three knives...is going to be your passaround :).


  8. I'm still not sure which exact size is going over the ocean my friend, but I'm sure it'll be 250-270. If I don't get more feedback soon on that knife, I'll just call it 260mm and run with it, lol.
  9. apathetic

    apathetic Founding Member

    half way... not a bad thing :D
  10. Wagner the Wehrwolf

    Wagner the Wehrwolf Founding Member

    I'd get in on this... But I've already used one so I know what I need to know. You boys won't be disappointed.
  11. skiajl6297

    skiajl6297 Founding Member

    I am interested as well. Very cool of you to do this!

  12. That's what I thought :). I just talked to my guy...he's got 5 gentlemen or so lined up in Norway, and then it can be sent your way. Depending on how things go...I might be able to forward that knife down to Australia as well, unless someone purchases it while it's in your general vicinity.

    Wait!! You're supposed to LOWER their expectations, not raise them!! That way they can be blown away with a reasonably performing knife :p.

    More seriously though...thank you for your kind words my friend. I strive to make each knife better than the last, and don't will not send out a knife that isn't at least as good...so hopefully it won't be too terribly difficult living up to your compliment :).

    Wonderful! So now we have:
    David (WildBoar)
    John Fout
    Brad Gibson
    Adam (skiajl6297)
  13. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    I would love to get in on the pass around, if not to late. I am a huge fan of Mizu Honyaki knives & more specifically your designs.

  14. Today we made a referendum with my wife about exiting from Russian Federation and declaring our apartment to be 51 state of USA. I believe now I'm officially eligible to join this passaround :D
    Would love to try it if somehow one of your knives manages to get it to Russia.
  15. There's absolutely still time...actually, until the knife is finished there will be time. Everything's sort of on a small hold (hopefully only about a week) while I get my new shop moved and rebuilt...then organized. After that, I've got a few priority knives, and this passaround is one of them.

    Welcome to America my friend!!

    I'm looking into what is involved in multi continent passarounds etc. About the only problem I can see is cost for each person who ends up having to ship to the new area. Honestly though, I'm completely ignorant of the postal specifics in other countries. Anyone that could fill me in...well, it'd be much appreciated!

    What I'm considering, is making this knife to eventually be for myself. Then shipping it out to all of you who are interested in trying it out...all over the world. How cool would it be to have my knife, that I made and I own, be used by so many friends in so many exotic (to me!) places? So even though it may take some time...this knife may eventually make it to all of you :).
  16. Current US list:

    David (WildBoar)
    John Fout
    Brad Gibson
    Adam (skiajl6297)
    Al (cheflarge)
  17. John Fout

    John Fout Founding Member

  18. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    I would like to give it a go in the sunshine state. Primarily an enthusiastic home user. The postman knows the route from Pensacola to my house in their sleep.
  19. You're in sir :).

    Current list:
    David (WildBoar)
    John Fout
    Brad Gibson
    Adam (skiajl6297)
    Al (cheflarge)
    Dave (daveb)
  20. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Outstanding!!! Big fan of the professional, pass around philosophy.

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