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Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Jim, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. cclin

    cclin Founding Member

    I'm sorry to hear that, best regards to your pet(cat?) & family!!
  2. So sorry to hear that Lucretia. We lost Maizie, our first to cancer. We're wishing you the best.
  3. Huw

    Huw Founding Member

    Bella & Crumpet
  4. handlecrafter

    handlecrafter Founding Member

    This time with pictures...



  5. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Thanks for the kind words, cclin & nmaxy.
  6. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    I know this look... i dont know what shes done, but shes done something



    when I find out... ill probably laugh at this point

    Goodness she has me well trained...

    For the record, all food intact, all garbage intact, no signs of a accident and she doesn't do that in the house anyway, I have no idea what shes done.

    But he seems to be waiting for me to find out so he can watch

  7. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Hah! Gemma definitely looks guilty of something.
  8. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    Gemma was drinking a Coors and wearing the pink crocs - right before you got there.

    I had one that would look away from me like that whenever he knew he was guilty. A die hard dumpster diver he would sit on the kitchen floor looking away while surrounded by coffee grounds, old take out containers, and other kitchen trash. I think he figured that if he couldn't see me then I couldn't see him.
  9. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    reminds me of this,... the best "Who Did It" ever,... see if you can figure it out

  10. Haburn

    Haburn Founding Member

    So many good looking animals on here!
    Both of my cats were street hobos before we captured them.
    Pazzo. This cat was about 2.5 months old and feral when I caught her. Burger King had a sale of double cheeseburgers and I wanted a kitten so I propped a box with a stick and string. I used two cheeseburgers for bait. The mother cat, which was also feral, fairly ill-mannered, and ripped as all get-out found the burgers and called her pride of kittens over. I waited until she left from under the box and ended up with my cat, Pazzo. That was five years ago and she is almost ok with being a pet. Almost.

    Seis was found by a family friend in the middle of a six lane street. In the rain. A mere baby! She has an extra toe on her front paws, she's polydactyl. Apparently, sailors used to seek out polydactyl cats because they are superior hunters.
  11. Here is Harley (Quinn) the jokers girlfriend not the bike she is a great Dane/lab x gsd came from her last round of shots today and this 3.5 month old girl is already 26 pounds. And oh so hyper 1412873157521.jpg
  12. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Those are some scary big feet on that pup!

    It's been almost 6 months since the vet gave our cat 2 months to live. She's been spending them taking ruthless advantage of us. "I'm old! I'm dying! Give me raw hamburger! I want fresh water in my dish--and pour it from the filter pitcher, and I have to watch, or it doesn't count." We don't think she'll last a whole lot longer--she's 17, after all--but she's doing pretty well for a 4-month dead cat:

  13. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Glad you got more time to spoil your cat, Lucretia!

    Oh an, so many nice pets here, I really wish I were in a position to get a dog. Love chocolate or black labs but I am pretty open as long as it is not a small dog. Sean, we really need pictures of Harley in a year or so, she looks great (and big).

  14. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    :( I wanna play with the puppy
  15. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Thanks! We are enjoying the time, and she is even more horribly spoiled than ever. She just got up from her nap, got some hamburg & cookies, and is now perched on my lap "helping" me read the forum.

    It's amazing how a 7-lb cat can push you around. Would that I get this type of treatment if I make it to her age...
  16. apicius9

    apicius9 Founding Member

    Just was looking for this picture and didn't realize it was in German. Dog says "Juuhuu, the Master is coming home. Oh my God, I love him so much". Cat says "Slave, you are late."


  17. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    lolol, yup thats about right
  18. Seis has some serious paws with the extra toes:) my friend has a polydactyl cat, extra 'thumbs' or whatever they are really called? always cracks me up when he stretches his paws open wide, he knows how to use those extra couple of claws as well!
  19. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    These are my cuddlemonsters. A Catahoula Curr named Cap'n (Crunch) and a Border Collie mix named Boo(-berry).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    two of my best friends...and definitely my most effective therapists.
  20. Two great looking friends you have there. Cap'n looks like mischief isn't far away and Boo looks like the calm wise type, almost regal!

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