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Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by Jim, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    Heh, you nailed it.
  2. You always know what they are thinking as our pets don't often have very good poker faces:D
    We are hoping to get a dog maybe late next year if we manage to move to a house with a decent size garden, I haven't had a dog for over 25 years and would really love to have one again as I have the time to look after one properly these days. My wife wants a Pug but not really my sort of thing as I am used to bigger dogs like German Shepherds, will be interesting to see what we decide on:D
  3. I can't get a pic of them all at once....A 4.5ft ball python, hamster and 3 cats don't play nice together :)

  4. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    Ha! Well observed sir.
  5. I will admit that its fun watching the cats and the hamster. If we put the hamster in that little ball and let it run around, the cats are scared of it. If we put the hamster in a little playpen type thing, 2 of the cats lay down next to it and watch. No aggression, no swiping...just lay there and watch. The one cat that doesn't like to watch the hamster likes to sit on top of the snake cage. Its funny watching them get nose to nose. Again, no aggression, just checking each other out. All in all, they're all very curious and seem to not mind each other :)

  6. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    not mine but we had a friend in the house the other day... I got to play with the puppy, when the bigger guys were not so jealous they would let me near her lol 2014-11-11 18.33.46.jpg
  7. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    Awwww...what a sweet little guy. Makes me want to get a 3rd!
  8. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    A Rot?
    I gotta hand it to you Canadians...ya'll got some big ole doggies.
  9. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    no it's pretty fresh right there
  10. Charlie in his chair.....

  11. zwiefel

    zwiefel Rest in peace brother

    What a great photo! Go Charlie!
  12. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Charlie is a pretty boy!
  13. Dream Burls

    Dream Burls Founding Member

    Here's my Charlie, just a little different, still the love of my life (don't tell my wife).

    DSC_0774.JPG DSC_1049.JPG
  14. Haburn

    Haburn Founding Member

    Charlie is looking a little judgmental in that second photo. :D
  15. daveb

    daveb Founding Member

    Judgmental? That's what cat's do.
  16. James

    James smarter then your average duck Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Did he eat the flower,... my cat eats any flowers that come into the house.
  17. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  18. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    I don't trust him. He has shifty eyes.
  19. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    It's not been a good couple weeks. Had to put my special girl to sleep yesterday. She was 18 and it was her time, but we are very sad. The vet gave her 2 months after her cancer diagnosis and she had 19 good months. We will miss her.


    We knew it was coming, so this weekend we went to the pound and picked up a couple troublemakers. We know better than to adopt sick kittens, but the vet and folks at the pound say it's just what happens--a cold like kids get a daycare. (and yes, they were quarantined. Our old cat didn't even know they were in the house.) So we're dosing them with medicine twice a day (which they really don't care for--and one of them is going to hold a grudge.) Supposedly shy kittens. The girl (the lighter one) is shy, but we have found that she is a little glutton and can be bribed with a spoon of food. The boy is a goofball--he WANTS attention. He's climbed on our laps, he's climbed on our shoulders, and is going to be hell on wheels when he feels a little better. We're used to an old cat that mostly sleeps--going to be an adjustment! :Dave

  20. Bill T

    Bill T Founding Member

    Wow...Sad news...with a nice sized dollop of Good news.
    They are family members..sad when one leaves us.
    Enjoy your new owners...

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