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Pictures of your new acquisitions

Discussion in 'The Kitchen Knife' started by Antonio, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. That's a great find. I thought they are rarer than hens teeth.
  2. Maxim

    Maxim Founding Member

    I will ship it first after gathering we need to destroy it first :D ;)
  3. Birnando

    Birnando Founding Member

    Have at it!
    Just remember, I know where you live... ;)
  4. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    From the Seattle Knife Show:


    A toenail trimmer from Mr. Burke.
  5. That is beautiful Lucretia! That knife found a great home.
  6. jigert

    jigert Founding Member

    whaaaa... Truly amazing knife you got there, Lucretia. Whats the specs, pattern and wood?
  7. Jim

    Jim Old Curmudgeon Founding Member

  8. Stereo.Pete

    Stereo.Pete Founding Member

    So awesome Lucretia!
  9. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    8.jpg damascus 192folds , 21k ferrule and backbalance, Bohler M390 carbon core
  10. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    ebony handle, steel mix contains 21k goldleaf, meteorite, nickel,,,,, HRC63
  11. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    really cool and unique handle neelesh! congrats!
  12. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Devin.jpg Another one from the knife show in Seattle--this one from Mr. Thomas. Sorry for the bad photo--just got it a few minutes ago. Hubby is officially in the clear for our anniversary next month.
  13. Wow.... so you are the lucky one. It is such a beauty.

    Congratulations !!! :thumb
  14. jigert

    jigert Founding Member

    The Burke and now this! Maybe I should consider myself lucky that I can't go to those knife shows. Seems expensive;). But man, really cool knives you got there, Lucretia!
  15. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    Who is the maker?
  16. So what does all the exotic metals do for performance. Or is it just the cladding?
  17. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    Knives of the Gods
  18. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    makes the knife look good. Meterorite is supposed to give the owner invincibility! this knife was made in Bali so a bit of local cultural lore is quite nice and acceptable. And a rare item to have in a knife anyway
  19. neelesh

    neelesh Founding Member

    close up 11.jpg
  20. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Thanks! 30th anniversary coming up soon. Some women get jewelry or trips to Hawaii. I'm gettin knives. :D

    (Figure I've earned them by now!)

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