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Scrap handles WIP project.

Discussion in 'Handiwork Display' started by Anton, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Spaz

    Spaz Founding Member

    Looking forward to see how this turns out!
  2. chefcomesback

    chefcomesback Founding Member

    Any progress on this one ?
  3. I'm slacking. One piece that I tried glueing resulted in some weird looking thing (because I've made a number of errors, including bad alignment of pieces and mixed sides).

    Thicker pieces are Mango and thinner reddish colour is Cocobolo
    Still might add ferrule and use this part for some small petty handle.

    … though I guess I'll glue more pieces tonight
  4. I think your sense of color is pretty spot on though. Those look very well together! If you ever wanted to make a living doing endgrain butcher blocks...the raw talent is there lol.
  5. cheflarge

    cheflarge Founding Member

    Here are pics of the scrap saya - HHH 240mm production gyuto w/ wavy burled honduran rosewood scales & mosaic pins:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. Brad Gibson

    Brad Gibson Founding Member

    that saya is really cool.
  7. I have to admit, there's literally no progress so far. There are 3 glued pieces that needs to be drilled and shaped, but I'm too lazy.
  8. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    That saya for the HHH gyuto is too cool Anton.
  9. ok, my own project is still on hold, but today I stumbled upon pretty amazing Instagram photos that I want to share. Same idea, but taken to an extreme.

    First you grab some old skateboards

    Then you cut them into pieces

    and you stack them

    And in the end you get a crazy looking handles



    © secondShot

    IMO pretty amazing work :)
  10. Mrmnms

    Mrmnms Founding Member Gold Contributor

    Outrageously cool. Good eye Anton.
  11. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

  12. Jeffery Hunter

    Jeffery Hunter Founding Member

    Very cool looking pieces.
  13. BathonUk

    BathonUk Founding Member

    That's great Anton:D Very nice indeed:D
  14. Wow. I really like that. I wonder if the person stabilizes them first.

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