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the garden thread

Discussion in 'The Off Topic Room' started by butch, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Ya know I wasn't aware until 5-6 years ago that a "weed" is simply an unwanted plant. A plant that is growing where you don't want it to grow basically.
    If I have a Rose bed and a Tulip is growing right in the middle I can holler "Pull that weed!" and be correct in my statement.

    Weeds are misunderstood. They just want to fit in!
  2. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    My tomatoes are starting to bloom. I tried to lose them the other day. The weather forecaster said it was going to be a warm night so I left them outside--about had a fit when I got up, looked out the windows, and saw frost all over the place. Fortunately the plants were up by the house and didn't get frost damage.
  3. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I think all grass is a weed. It never grows where you want it to, and always shows up in flower beds and sidewalk cracks.
  4. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    I concur.
    I got weeds in my gutters!
  5. MotoMike

    MotoMike Founding Member

    Peas coming up and almost grabbing the fence they will cling to. broccoli and herbs are doing well. Grandson's radishes are needing a thinning. asparagus patch has yielded a batch. here the last frost day is considered 5-10 May, so some things are waiting. have tomatoes in the cold frame with the lid propped open a bit getting use to being outside. so some more planting this weekend. peppers moving out to the cold frame soon. Heavy rains this past few days have given the garden a good beating. I have installed a drip system this year and have high hopes for it.
  6. Since I am in NJ "the garden state" and we grow some of the best tomatoes in the summer time, I think I want to get into growing some tomatoes, but it might be a huge PITA, any suggestions on really hearty varieties?
  7. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    I told you Lucretia would know.
    The flowers are an exact match for the Arrowleaf Balsam Root.

    I should take some other photos of the wildflower/weeds around here.
    Some look like tiny orchids. The way I do things with the field is if the plant looks interesting, I let it grow.
    The grass gets weedeated.
  8. butch

    butch Founding Member

    i hae thought really hard about a wildflower patch to help keep bees around but then i remembered that rabbits love that stuff also
  9. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Pulled a bunch of weeds today. Ow. But it's a particularly pretty time of year to be out in the yard. Had to take cover from strafing hummingbirds, tho.



    And the roses are off and running--about a month early:


    Also grabbed another tomato plant from the grocery.
  10. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    Am I the only one that would love to see Lucretia's whole yard?

    I imagine it looking like something you could charge admission to see.
  11. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Aren't you sweet! The yard actually has a long way to go, but it's getting better. Here's the back yard when we bought the house:


    Yes, all those light colored things are rocks. Lots and lots and LOTS of rocks. In clay. That turns harder than cement in the summer when it's dry.

    Now it's just starting to form up. Still a long way to go before we can charge admission!

  12. Toothpick

    Toothpick #2 since day #1 Founding Member

    It's not the same yard! I bet the wildlife love it. Thanks for sharing.

    I know all about clay and rocks, I live in Middle Tennessee. I'm surprised anything grows around here.
  13. I live in middle Tennessee too. The Clay is so tough to dig into
  14. Haburn

    Haburn Founding Member

    I can't take any credit since we've only been here a couple of months. The former owners were arborist and did all the leg work for us.

    Grape flowers:


    A little apple saying hello! The apple trees were espaliered, but haven't been maintained for 1-2 years maybe. This is all pretty new to me so I have research to catch up on.

  15. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    Ooo! Grapes & apples--sounds great!

    Jason, we have a lot more critters visiting now than we did. Salamanders in the compost, frogs, garter snakes, rabbits, moles, voles, shrews, possums, raccoons, and something that I think is either a coyote or a fox that comes through and leaves presents behind. A lot more birds, too. We have some crows nesting in the back of the yard. I like to throw crackers out for them. They try to see how many crackers they can pick up at a time rather than just taking one and coming back--fun to watch. Yesterday I wore tie dye as bait and got a photo of this little guy after he figured out I wasn't something full of nectar for him to eat:

  16. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I think cherry tomatoes are supposed to be easy to grow. We grow Sun Golds every year. really sweet yellow cherries. Still trying to get it right with the bigger tomatoes.
  17. butch

    butch Founding Member

    we have been doing roma
  18. Lucretia

    Lucretia Founding Member

    I wish I could get romas to grow. We get them from the local farm stand for oven roasted tomatoes, but I bet the home grown ones are a lot better.

    Butch, could you grow chives to bring in bees? They don't have a long blooming season, but the bees go nuts over mine. I don't think the rabbits will eat them. And they're pretty and tasty, too.
  19. Burl Source

    Burl Source Founding Member

    I am doing some San Marzanos this year. .....and purple cherokee, yellow brandywine, berkley tie dye, black russian, green zebra, 4 or 5 varieties of cherry tomato, and others that I forget.

    Like at Lucretia's place, the hummingbirds have been following me around. Yesterday evening wild turkeys were casing the place.
  20. butch

    butch Founding Member

    we had 3 plants last year and canned qt after qt and still ended up giving some away (got them from burpee ) think we ended up right around 100lb (turned to saucees) the rest we traded for peppers . its was shocking to see the amount of food we got out of 36 SqFt
    this was last year after taters onions and peas were pulled
    Last edited: May 8, 2015

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